“Dave & Darlene Lee” May good health follow you all.
About Us
Our journey into beekeeping began with two hives along with my son Korey. The following year I attended the beekeeping course at the University of Manitoba. This adventure started out as a hobby. We quickly learned the potential of our adventure and seen the benefits and needs of the community. I joined the Red River Apiarists’ Association and meet with likeminded people from this industry. This business has developed and is growing every year.
I have also become a member of the Manitoba Beekeeper’s Association. This allows me the opportunity to meet with industry leaders and to attend training seminars and conferences displaying the last technologies and research innovations. This allows us to use and develop the best possible environment for our honeybees. Darlene and I are committed to this adventure and truly love the lifestyle this industry provides.
Honey Extraction
The first step in the extraction process is to break or remove all of the cappings. This is accomplished using an automated uncapper machine. Usually, these tools are used together, along with a pronged cappings fork. To facilitate cutting off these wax cappings. The removed bits of wax, called cappings, are rich in honey which can be slowly drained off with the help of centrifugal force in our wax spinner . This ‘cappings wax’ is very valuable and often used to make candles or other products.
We are excited to have our new extractor line up and running.